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If sometimes you ever feel the aching in the teeth when eating or drinking something hot or cold, you are not alone. A recent survey in the US found that one in eight people have more sensitive teeth. Sensitive teeth often occurs in young people, women, and people suffering from subsidence gums or are undergoing teeth whitening.
Sensitive teeth tend to be experienced by women and people who scalloped white
sensitive teeth "These conditions have an impact on their lives, and they tend to avoid some foods," said Dr. Joanna Cunha-Cruz, an assistant professor in the study. Food and drinks are cold, hot, sweet, and sour often trigger pain or soreness. But it is only temporary, not all the time. Sensitive teeth lasted only a few days and will return to normal thereafter. Sensitive teeth often occur when the enamel (the outer layer of the tooth) thinning.
The study involved 37 general dental practice in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and Utah. A total of 787 adults surveyed. The results are published in the Journal of the American Dental Association, the March edition. The dentists in this study asking patients whether they had just bothered by the uncomfortable feeling to the teeth or gums such as pain or soreness. Then the dentist examines the patient to make sure their pain is not due to other problems such as cavities or gum swelling. Approximately 12 percent of patients experience pain or tooth sensitivity that is not associated with other problems, and thus they are diagnosed as people who have sensitive teeth.
Previous studies have reported that 1 to 52 percent of patients in general dental practice have sensitive teeth. The percentage difference could be due to differences in how the participants in this study screened. Some researchers directly ask them about sensitive teeth, while others were asked about specific causal like to drink cold water.
"It is not easy to generalize this, but there is the possibility of people who visit the dentist, 1 of 8 of them have sensitive teeth," said Cunha-Cruz.
An average of nearly 82 percent of study participants were predominantly white toothed, but there is still the possibility of tooth sensitivity experienced by other groups.
A dental expert who was not involved in the study, Dr. Richard Trushkowsky, saying "tooth sensitivity is universal, but some people can experience it depends on the foods they eat as food is acidic or alcoholic beverages."
The researchers found that adults between 18 and 44 years were 3.5 times more likely to have sensitive teeth than older adults. This is probably due to the material in the teeth called dentin can be thicker over time, protect the teeth better. Based on these studies, women tend to be 1.8 times more likely than men to have sensitive teeth.
Simple Tips on caring for sensitive teeth
To avoid tooth ache due to certain foods or beverages, drink water immediately after you eat or drink the acid such as citrus fruits. In addition, brush gigilah use toothpaste specially made for sensitive teeth.
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