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Interesting story between onion and garlic seems not only happen in fairy tales or just soap operas. In the real world, these two herbs is also involved in 'competition', but not the negative competition like in the story. Competition in question is the second competition of the onions in a positive contribution to health. Both have properties that are good for the body. It is also reinforced by a number of studies which found that onions and garlic contain important substances that can support human health.
If the previous articles have discussed the properties of garlic, this article will discuss about the efficacy of onion. As with garlic, onions also contain important compounds and substances that are beneficial to the body, such as:
1. The compound Quercetin
- This compound is a family of antioxidant compounds called polyphenols, flavonoids. The healthy compound is more contained in onions than garlic.
- These compounds have anti-inflammatory properties, which makes decreasing the risk of cancer in man.
- Arthritis or inflammatory disease that is treatable because these compounds.
- For men, these compounds are also useful in improving prostate health and prevent prostate cancer.
- In addition to anti-inflammatory, these compounds are also a natural antihistamine that can reduce allergic reactions.
- Several studies conducted on the potential of these compounds, one of which is to preserve healthy cholesterol levels (HDL) and suppress bad cholesterol (LDL).
2. Sulfur Compounds
- These compounds become penangung responsibility existence spicy flavor, distinctive aroma of onion, and gases that cause watery eyes peeled onion current.
- Antimicrobial and antibacterial properties can fight cancer cells.
- These compounds can also be used to treat respiratory problems, such as asthma.
- In addition, sulfur also helps prevent blood clotting, which can prevent a heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, and hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis).
3. Vitamin A, E, and C
These vitamins have an important role as a good antioxidant.
4. Copper
This substance is an essential mineral that helps in the maintenance of bones and joints that are not affected by osteoporosis.
Another study was also carried out, that onions help prevent bowel and stomach disorders. It also affects the level of the high consumption of red onions can prevent colon cancer and cancer kololrektal. In addition, the organism in onion can help encourage the growth of healthy bacteria and inhibit the growth of bad bacteria in the gut.
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