Friday, February 13, 2015

6 Sleep Position and Personality Affect Your Health

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Not only speaking style, it turns out someone sleeping position can explain personality.

In a survey involving 1,000 participants, Professor Chris Idzikowski, director of the Sleep Assessment and Advisory Service, analyzed six common sleeping position most do. Research findings indicate that sleep position not only affect health, but also can reflect a person's personality. What are the sixth position? Check out his review below:

The Freefall

Position: Lie on your stomach or on your stomach with your hands around the pillow and head turned to the side.

Personality: People with prone sleeping position tend to be extroverted and gregarious personality. However, they are often careless, seemed restless and irritable.

Health benefits: Lying on his stomach or stomach good for digestion.

The Fetus

Position: This position as the position of the fetus in the womb, bed roll, and turned to the side. It is the most common sleeping positions do. As many as 41 percent of the 1,000 participants, sleep with this position.

Personality: Those who sleep with this curled position tend to be shy and sensitive at heart. They need time to warm up in communicating with other people, but soon melts slowly and relaxed.

Health Effects: Noteworthy is not all direction (right or left) of these positions provide health benefits. Sleeping with a curled up position facing the left side can cause stress on vital organs such as the liver, stomach, and lung. So if curled is your favorite position, be sure to adjust your position facing the right side of the body.

The Log

Position: Lie on your side with arms at your sides and legs stretched out.

Personality: People who sleep in this position are social and relaxed.
Weaknesses: They have a tendency to trust anyone, including foreigners, thus making them gullible.

Health Benefits: This position makes the spine straight, beneficial for those who suffer from back pain.

The Yearner

Position: Almost the same as log position, but with both hands stretched out.

Personality: People with sleep position as these tend to be open to new things, but also suspicious and cynical. They require a long time to make a decision, weigh the good and bad repeatedly. But if they have to make a choice, they hardly ever change your mind or regret his choice.

Health Benefits: Helps relieve some of the problems associated with acid reflux disease and sleep apnea. But if these symptoms occur frequently, you may need to come to a specialist.

The Soldier

Position: Lie on your back with your arms at your sides.

Personality: People with sleeping positions like these are generally quiet and reserved. They do not like to make a deal on the big things. They set a very high standard of achievement for them and others.

Health effects: research shows that sleeping on your back can cause snoring, difficulty breathing, and sleep soundly.

The Starfish

Position: Lie on your back with both arms up.

Personality: People with sleep position like this is described as a good listener. They are always willing to offer help and generally do not like being in the limelight.

Health effects: As the soldier sleeping position, the effect is more likely to snore and have breathing problems that made sleep soundly.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

11 Reasons To Eat Pomegranate

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Although easy to find in Indonesia, but it seems pomegranate is not so popular when compared with oranges, bananas, or mango. In fact, the benefits of pomegranate are numerous and are not inferior to other fruits. Pomegranate can be consumed directly in fresh condition, as a mixed fruit salad or salad, or made into juice. If consumed regularly, pomegranates can provide many benefits for health, including:

1. Anti-aging
Pomegranates can provide anti-aging effects. Pomegranate contains antioxidants with a number of very abundant and is one of the fruits with the highest scale as absorbing free radicals.

2. Protect kidney
New research published some time ago in the Journal of Renal Failure indicates that pomegranate juice may prevent kidney damage and protect the kidneys from harmful toxins.

3. Protect your heart
Some new research published in the journal Toxicology and Industrial Health showed that pomegranate juice not only protects the liver, but also can improve it when the liver is damaged.

4. Enhance the immune
Eating fruit or pomegranate juice can boost immunity

5. Anti-allergy
Pomegranate is rich in polyphenol substances that have been shown to reduce the biochemical processes associated with allergies

6. Preventing heart attack
Pomegranate also been shown to prevent heart disease. Recent research published in the journal Altheroclerosis showed that pomegranate can improve the body's ability to synthesize cholesterol and destroy free radicals in the vascular system.

7. Against Cancer
A study published in the journal Translational Oncology showed that the juice and pomegranate juice can kill cancer cells.
Breast Cancer: Scientists at the University of California studied the effects of pomegranate juice and nutritional components (luteolin, ellagic acid and punicic) in the fight against breast cancer. They concluded that the juice and pomegranate juice is effective in preventing the development of breast cancer.
Skin cancer: According to a new study published in the British Journal of Dermatology, consumption of pomegranate may affect the decrease in the development of two types of skin cancer is basal cell carcinoma and the squamous cell carcinoma.

8. Protection of DNA
Antioxidants in pomegranates also provide protection to the genetic components of the body.

9. Normalize blood pressure
A study published in the journal Plant Foods for Human Nutrition found that pomegranate juice can help prevent high blood pressure associated with high-fat foods.

10. Set the syndrome of insulin resistance
Research published in the journal Food and Function showed that pomegranate can help regulate blood sugar, increase the body's sensitivity to insulin, reducing inflammation and other factors involved in the insulin resistance syndrome, is associated with obesity and diabetes. Because of this, the pomegranate is believed to lose weight.

11. Improving the effectiveness of the drug
Pomegranate juice is known to increase the effectiveness of drugs used against gram-negative bacteria. Gram-negative bacteria are known as bacteria that are always against drugs.

Efficacy Onion Not Lose With Garlic

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Interesting story between onion and garlic seems not only happen in fairy tales or just soap operas. In the real world, these two herbs is also involved in 'competition', but not the negative competition like in the story. Competition in question is the second competition of the onions in a positive contribution to health. Both have properties that are good for the body. It is also reinforced by a number of studies which found that onions and garlic contain important substances that can support human health.

If the previous articles have discussed the properties of garlic, this article will discuss about the efficacy of onion. As with garlic, onions also contain important compounds and substances that are beneficial to the body, such as:

1. The compound Quercetin

  •      This compound is a family of antioxidant compounds called polyphenols, flavonoids. The healthy compound is more contained in onions than garlic.
  •      These compounds have anti-inflammatory properties, which makes decreasing the risk of cancer in man.
  •      Arthritis or inflammatory disease that is treatable because these compounds.
  •      For men, these compounds are also useful in improving prostate health and prevent prostate cancer.
  •      In addition to anti-inflammatory, these compounds are also a natural antihistamine that can reduce allergic reactions.
  •      Several studies conducted on the potential of these compounds, one of which is to preserve healthy cholesterol levels (HDL) and suppress bad cholesterol (LDL).

2. Sulfur Compounds

  •      These compounds become penangung responsibility existence spicy flavor, distinctive aroma of onion, and gases that cause watery eyes peeled onion current.
  •      Antimicrobial and antibacterial properties can fight cancer cells.
  •      These compounds can also be used to treat respiratory problems, such as asthma.
  •      In addition, sulfur also helps prevent blood clotting, which can prevent a heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, and hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis).

3. Vitamin A, E, and C
These vitamins have an important role as a good antioxidant.

4. Copper
This substance is an essential mineral that helps in the maintenance of bones and joints that are not affected by osteoporosis.

Another study was also carried out, that onions help prevent bowel and stomach disorders. It also affects the level of the high consumption of red onions can prevent colon cancer and cancer kololrektal. In addition, the organism in onion can help encourage the growth of healthy bacteria and inhibit the growth of bad bacteria in the gut.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

13 Tips To Avoid From Diabetes

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Diabetes mellitus or diabetes is a disease characterized by increased blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia) continuously, especially after eating. There are three types of diabetes namely diabetes type 1, diabetes type 2, and gestational diabetes, but the most common is diabetes type 2 diabetes mellitus ranks 4th as a cause of human death in the world. Diabetes is caused by an unhealthy lifestyle such as unhealthy eating patterns that lead to obesity and lazy to exercise. To reduce risk of diabetes, here are some tips that you can do, including:

1. Keep moving
Physical activity can lower blood sugar and improve insulin sensitivity. Research shows that aerobic exercise or physical activity can help control diabetes such. (ADA) American Diabetes Association recommends for mild aerobic exercise like gymnastics or tennis half an hour each time you exercise, five times per week. It is also reinforced with a 16-year study by the Harvard School of Public Health that found that walking every day can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by 30%.

2. Switch to wheat and grain consumption
White bread, white rice, and potatoes not only cause enlarged waist circumference, but these foods also have a high glycemic index, causing a spike in blood sugar and insulin levels. Experts also agree that refined carbohydrates such as starch and sugar can increase the risk of diabetes. A Chinese study involving 75,000 women, found that women who have a high glycemic index food, 21% greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared with those whose diet low glycemic indexed.

You are advised to control the consumption of carbohydrates and switch to wheat. Bread wheat, seral, and similar food is very good for preventing diabetes because it slows the absorption of carbohydrates. Another study from the Harvard School of Public Health also found that those who consumed an average of 2-3 servings of grains per day, 30% less likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who rarely eat grains.

3. Try apple cider vinegar
Two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar a day may lower blood sugar spikes. It is based on a series of studies by Carol Johnston, Ph.D., professor and director of the nutrition program at Arizona State University, who found that apple cider vinegar can lower blood sugar. You can add apple cider vinegar to your diet.

4. Consumption of cinnamon
In a 2003 study, researchers Pakistan along with Richard Anderson, a scientist with the US Department of Agriculture, found that eating 1 gram of cinnamon per day can reduce blood sugar. Although research in the US is still in doubt about this, but experts still recommend cinnamon diabetes for consumption.

5. Drinking coffee
A study involving 125,000 participants (84 276 women) by the Harvard School of Public Health showed that women who drank six or more cups per day can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by nearly 30%, although it can lead to other health risks. So, consume coffee as needed. The coffee is rich in antioxidants, including chlorogenic acid and magnesium which can increase sensitivity to insulin.

6. Eat vegetables
Experts disagree about the best foods to prevent diabetes, but all agree you should eat vegetables, fruits, nuts, and grains as well. Avoid trans fats, chemicals, and processed foods.

7. Replace red meat with soy
Red meat is an excellent source of protein, but according to a study in Boston found that eating red meat increases the risk of type 2 diabetes in women. Therefore, replace red meat with soy. It does not seem difficult to find soy-based foods, because of course you are familiar with tempeh or know. Soy protein may help regulate glucose and insulin levels, weight control, and lowers cholesterol.

8. Avoid sugary drinks
Often drinks containing high sugar very harmful to health, especially those who are prone to diabetes. Various studies also agree with this. Drinking more than a serving of sweet drinks every day at risk for developing diabetes. Diet soda is also the same effect, even make you more hungry and craving sugar.

9. Reduce stress
Experts believe that stress has a relationship with the increase in blood sugar that can develop diabetes risk. Therefore, avoid things that cause you stress. If you're under stress, find solutions to overcome it as soon as possible, able to exercise such as swimming or eating foods that can relieve stress.

10. Fill your need for vitamin D
Vitamin D, which we can get from sun exposure, contributes to insulin sensitivity and secretion, prevent diabetes, and reduce complications for those already diagnosed. Vitamin D can also be obtained by eating low-fat dairy, fish, and vitamin D supplements

11. Getting enough sleep
Not getting enough sleep will increase hunger, leading to weight gain, and further increases the risk of developing diabetes. Sleep at least 7 hours per night.

12. Stop Smoking
Smokers are more likely to develop diabetes by 50% compared with non-smokers. Heavy smokers have a higher risk. So stop smoking immediately to avoid the risk of diabetes or other health problems.

13. Check your blood pressure
Have your blood pressure periodically in order to be known as early as possible of your health condition, whether or not there are health problems (such as high blood pressure or obesity), so that the doctor can determine what action should be given before it's too late.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Benefits Pool For Fun Sports

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Benefits pool - Swimming is one sport that is fun alternative to getting in shape. Pool does not need a partner like football, badminton, or basketball. So, if you are having trouble finding a partner to exercise, then swim. Swimming is also a family sport, a universal sport that can be done by anyone, from children to the elderly.
benefits of Swimming

As with other physical activity, swimming also provide health benefits for the body. According to experts, useful to improve the swimming ability of the brain, relieve stress, help the problems of asthma, to reduce the risk of diabetes. A study also showed that the pool can keep you from a stroke. The other benefits of swimming are as follows:

Burn calories effectively
Swimming can help burn calories as much as 500 to 650 calories per hour, depending on how efficient and effective you swim. When compared to running and cycling, burning calories resulting from the activity of swimming is also no less powerful. The effectiveness of burning calories to within no more swimming 11% of the run and not more than 3% of cycling (assumption: long activity is the same). This is certainly also can control your weight to keep looking.

Help arthritis problems
Pool offers physical activity is minimal risk, provide a sense of security in the bones and joints of the risk of injury as often happens in other sports such as running. Swimming and other water activities are often used for rehabilitation therapy such as in people with arthritis (inflammation of one or more joints).

Muscle tone evenly
Pool assessed as physical activity very effective in toning the muscles of the body. Water pressure is almost 12-fold in the same muscles as the air. Swimming is a sport that gives an opportunity to almost all parts of the body, ie starting from the top to the bottom to move. This is what makes swimming is considered as an ideal exercise for toning the muscles in almost all parts of the body. Butterfly in swimming very effective in toning the muscles of the upper and lower parts of the body such as the shoulders, hips, to the foot.

Lowering high blood pressure
Pool requires a strong breath, which can have an effect on increasing circulation. Pool is known to control blood pressure, so it is good for the heart and lungs. Pool can lower high blood pressure and an effective option for the obese and those who have difficulty participating in other sports such as football or basketball.

So a few reviews about the benefits of swimming for the body. Hopefully this article useful ..

Watching Too Much Television Risk Shorten Age

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Spend your days in front of the television can shorten life, a new study shows.

Researchers in Australia found that people who spend their time for an average of 6 hours a day just to watch TV, have a lifespan of 5 years shorter than those who rarely watch television. For every hour of watching television in people aged 25 years and older, the age will be reduced by 22 minutes, according to a study led by Dr. J. Lennert Veerman of the University of Queensland.

But the bottom line is, other experts cautioned that the study does not show that watching TV may cause people to die sooner. This study only shows an association between the length of time watching TV with a short lifespan. Although a direct link between watching TV with the age of a person's life becomes shorter is a very provocative statement, but the danger of the TV almost certainly exist even if indirectly, said Dr. David L. Katz, director of the Prevention Research Center at Yale University School of Medicine.

Actually it is a sensible thing when the habit is too long watching television has a correlation with health problems. "The more time spent watching TV, the more time spent for snacking or eating while watching TV, and the less time is used for the sport," said Katz. "A lot of eating and less activity, the time will be at risk of causing problems of obesity, heart disease, and cancer".

Another explanation for this relationship is that people who watch excessive TV, tend to be people who are experiencing depression, stress, and loneliness. This in turn can be the answer to the real cause of premature death.

The report is published in the online edition of the British Journal of Sports Medicine last August 15. In the study, researchers used data from the Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle Study, in which 11,000 people aged 25 and older, including survey information about how many of those who watch TV in a week. The researchers also used a national population and mortality.

In 2008, Australian adults watch TV for a total of 9.8 billion hours. People who watch TV more than six hours a day in the top 1 percent. Statistics show that watching too much TV as dangerous as smoking, the researchers said. For example, smoking can shorten the life expectancy of more than four years after the age of 50. That means the age of life will be gone 11 minutes for each cigarette, and it is equal to a half hours watching TV, the researchers said. Without TV, researchers estimated life expectancy for men would be 1.8 years longer and for women, 1.5 years longer.

"While we use the data of Australia, the effect in industrialized countries and other developing tend to be the same, considering the time spent watching TV and similar patterns of disease," the researchers said.

Dr. Gregg Fonarow, associate chief of cardiology at the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles, said that "there is strong evidence that spend a long time for sedentary activities such as watching TV and not use it for activities such as exercise, will have a negative impact for health. "

"Staying active and reducing time spent on passive activities such as watching TV, can be beneficial in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and may be considered as part of a comprehensive approach to improve cardiovascular health," Fonarow added.