Saturday, March 7, 2015

1 Of 8 People Have Sensitive Teeth

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If sometimes you ever feel the aching in the teeth when eating or drinking something hot or cold, you are not alone. A recent survey in the US found that one in eight people have more sensitive teeth. Sensitive teeth often occurs in young people, women, and people suffering from subsidence gums or are undergoing teeth whitening.

Sensitive teeth tend to be experienced by women and people who scalloped white

sensitive teeth "These conditions have an impact on their lives, and they tend to avoid some foods," said Dr. Joanna Cunha-Cruz, an assistant professor in the study. Food and drinks are cold, hot, sweet, and sour often trigger pain or soreness. But it is only temporary, not all the time. Sensitive teeth lasted only a few days and will return to normal thereafter. Sensitive teeth often occur when the enamel (the outer layer of the tooth) thinning.

The study involved 37 general dental practice in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and Utah. A total of 787 adults surveyed. The results are published in the Journal of the American Dental Association, the March edition. The dentists in this study asking patients whether they had just bothered by the uncomfortable feeling to the teeth or gums such as pain or soreness. Then the dentist examines the patient to make sure their pain is not due to other problems such as cavities or gum swelling. Approximately 12 percent of patients experience pain or tooth sensitivity that is not associated with other problems, and thus they are diagnosed as people who have sensitive teeth.

Previous studies have reported that 1 to 52 percent of patients in general dental practice have sensitive teeth. The percentage difference could be due to differences in how the participants in this study screened. Some researchers directly ask them about sensitive teeth, while others were asked about specific causal like to drink cold water.

"It is not easy to generalize this, but there is the possibility of people who visit the dentist, 1 of 8 of them have sensitive teeth," said Cunha-Cruz.

An average of nearly 82 percent of study participants were predominantly white toothed, but there is still the possibility of tooth sensitivity experienced by other groups.

A dental expert who was not involved in the study, Dr. Richard Trushkowsky, saying "tooth sensitivity is universal, but some people can experience it depends on the foods they eat as food is acidic or alcoholic beverages."

The researchers found that adults between 18 and 44 years were 3.5 times more likely to have sensitive teeth than older adults. This is probably due to the material in the teeth called dentin can be thicker over time, protect the teeth better. Based on these studies, women tend to be 1.8 times more likely than men to have sensitive teeth.
Simple Tips on caring for sensitive teeth

To avoid tooth ache due to certain foods or beverages, drink water immediately after you eat or drink the acid such as citrus fruits. In addition, brush gigilah use toothpaste specially made for sensitive teeth.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Really Doing Housework Can Burn More Calories?

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Domestic work is always done housewives in general such as sweeping the floor or wash clothes did have a relationship with the amount of calories burned. However, a new study examining the relationship between housework and burning calories to say that the women in today expend less energy than the women of the past decades, which ultimately revealed one of the reasons why rates of obesity in women in this age much higher. The results are published in the journal PLoS ONE, January 2013.
Technology to be one of the factors the decline of physical activity housewife

The study looked at the diary of the women aged between 19-64 years, from 1965 to 2010, and in particular seeing their activity in the household chores such as preparing meals (including cleaning after meals), washing clothes, and cleaning the whole house. The women in the era of the 65's that doing household chores can burn 4663 calories known a week (660 calories per day), while in 2010 the figure dropped to 2806 calories per week (400 calories per day).

What happened? The researchers say that technological advances such as the presence of microwaves and dishwashers have made housework less physically active. The presence of other technologies such as television and computers also make women today spend twice as much time to interact with these technologies. Indirectly, it also triggers the women to sit longer than the cooking, cleaning floors, washing clothes, and other homework.

The presence of domestic helpers or assistants is also one of the factors decreasing the activity of housewives. However this can not be the benchmark as a whole, because there are many women in this modern era that still remain physically active by exercising regularly at the gym or at home. Moreover, previous research by the University of California showed that women in today spend more time caring for children than women of old, where it could have been much time, energy, and mind rather than doing homework.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Food Unhealthy Children Being Pregnant Make Junk Food Addicts

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Pregnant women who love to eat fatty foods, high in salt, and sugar-rich drinks have the risk of having children who are likely to become addicted to junk food (food nirnutrisi), a recent study found.
Eating unhealthy foods during pregnancy have long-term adverse effects for children

pregnant women and junk foodPara scientists from the University of Adelaide in Australia said that his research on rats showed a finding if the expectant mother who constantly eat foods that are not healthy, then it will lead to the possibility of changes in the brain that measurable progress their children are not born to have a tendency to consume foods that are unhealthy like junk food when they grow up.

The study, published in The FASEB Journal found that the brains of these children become less sensitive to the natural chemicals that are released when the high-fat foods consumed, thus making them eat more in order to feel satisfied.

"The results of this research will ultimately enable us to better inform pregnant women about the long-term effects of the foods they eat where a risk to the child's development of a lifetime preference and risk of metabolic diseases", said Beverly Muhlhausler, one of the researchers. "Hopefully this will encourage mothers to always eat healthy foods that will positively impact the health of children.

To reach their conclusions, the researchers studied two groups of mice, one of which was given a normal diet, while the other group was given food nirnutrisi (junk food) during pregnancy and lactation. The results showed that the brains of mice from mothers who eat junk food are less sensitive to changes in the chemical substances due to the high fat content of sweet foods than other mice.

Gerald Weissmann, MD, editor of The FASEB Journal, said that if the findings of the study showed that "junk food addiction is a real addiction", the same as drug addiction. "Sad to say that pregnant women who love to eat junk food during pregnancy are at risk for having children who become addicted to junk food", he said.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

5 Benefits of Lettuce For Body Health

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Lettuce not only be complementary foods such as salads or sandwiches, but also a bright green leafy vegetables are crisp rich in nutrients and very beneficial for health. In Indonesia, the lettuce is often used as fresh vegetables like cucumbers, tomatoes, and beans. In addition to the unsightly color and crisp taste, there are some benefits to health lettuce that we can get, as the following will be reviewed.

5 Benefits of lettuce for health

1. Sources of vitamin A
Lettuce is rich in vitamins. One of the vitamins that are found mainly in lettuce is vitamin A. In addition, lettuce also contains beta-carotene. Vitamin A helps maintain eye health, as well as maintain healthy skin by increasing the mucus membranes.

2. Preventing age-related macular degeneration
Lettuce contains zeaxanthin that can help improve eyesight and prevent cataracts. Zeaxanthin has antioxidant properties and also help prevent age-related macular disease. Lettuce also contains flavonoids that can help prevent lung cancer and mouth.

3. Strengthen bones
Lettuce contains vitamin K, which can help strengthen bones by increasing bone mass and increased activity in bone osteotrophic also help prevent osteoporosis. Vitamin K also can reduce the risk of brain damage making it possible also to prevent Alzheimer's disease.

4. Increase Fertility
Fresh lettuce contains folic acid and vitamin C is abundant. Folic acid helps maintain the fetus in order to stay healthy during pregnancy to reduce the risk of possible complications. In addition, folic acid also helps improve the reproductive health of both men and women. Vitamin C in lettuce helps boost the immune system and helps fight infection.

5. Increase the metabolic rate
Lettuce is a rich source of various kinds of minerals such as iron, manganese, copper, calcium, magnesium, and potassium, in which these substances can increase the rate of metabolism in the body. Potassium has an important role to control blood pressure and improve heart health by regulating the body's water balance. While calcium in lettuce can strengthen teeth and bones. Copper and iron can help produce red blood cells in the body.

That's some lettuce for health benefits. However, you must remain vigilant because lettuce is one of the vegetables that are most vulnerable to pesticide exposure. Therefore, make sure you wash the lettuce first before cooking or consumption.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

5 Foods to Avoid Before Exercise

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If you exercise with an empty stomach, your body will not have enough energy to support it. Eating too much or choose food that is not right before exercise is also a thing you should not do. This is because all the energy you will be redirected to digest food. Therefore, experts advise to eat foods naturally before exercising. In addition there are some foods that you should avoid before exercising. What is it? Here's his review.

5 Foods to Avoid Before Exercise

1. The food that can make flatulence
Foods such as beans, broccoli, fruit, and milk tends to give the effect of gas, which in turn will make your stomach discomfort while exercising.

2. Foods that are rich in sugar
Probably a good idea to eat a piece of cake or cupcake before exercise. Indeed, high-sugar foods can provide a quick source of energy for your body. However, calories 'sweet' will burn more quickly, causing you to feel tired more quickly as well. If you need instant energy source prior to exercise, choose healthy foods such as bananas, where the fruit is also offering a myriad of important nutrients for the body.

3. Spicy Food
Food was a bit challenging as spicy foods can indeed satisfy your desires. However, eating spicy foods before exercise can make your stomach discomfort, such as indigestion or heartburn, and will eventually damage your physical exercise program in the middle of the road.

4. Foods rich in salt
Avoid foods that are too salty or high salt before exercising. Salty foods tend to dehydrate. Dehydration can cause headaches and cramps that will affect your activities when exercising.

5. Food weight
If you plan to exercise, avoid eating a heavy meal as the food you eat each day before the move. Heavy food takes a long time to digest. Eating a heavy meal before exercising allows you to experience digestive problems when exercising. If you already eat a plate of rice with a variety of side dishes, wait for 2 hours before you decide to exercise.