Saturday, March 7, 2015

1 Of 8 People Have Sensitive Teeth

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If sometimes you ever feel the aching in the teeth when eating or drinking something hot or cold, you are not alone. A recent survey in the US found that one in eight people have more sensitive teeth. Sensitive teeth often occurs in young people, women, and people suffering from subsidence gums or are undergoing teeth whitening.

Sensitive teeth tend to be experienced by women and people who scalloped white

sensitive teeth "These conditions have an impact on their lives, and they tend to avoid some foods," said Dr. Joanna Cunha-Cruz, an assistant professor in the study. Food and drinks are cold, hot, sweet, and sour often trigger pain or soreness. But it is only temporary, not all the time. Sensitive teeth lasted only a few days and will return to normal thereafter. Sensitive teeth often occur when the enamel (the outer layer of the tooth) thinning.

The study involved 37 general dental practice in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and Utah. A total of 787 adults surveyed. The results are published in the Journal of the American Dental Association, the March edition. The dentists in this study asking patients whether they had just bothered by the uncomfortable feeling to the teeth or gums such as pain or soreness. Then the dentist examines the patient to make sure their pain is not due to other problems such as cavities or gum swelling. Approximately 12 percent of patients experience pain or tooth sensitivity that is not associated with other problems, and thus they are diagnosed as people who have sensitive teeth.

Previous studies have reported that 1 to 52 percent of patients in general dental practice have sensitive teeth. The percentage difference could be due to differences in how the participants in this study screened. Some researchers directly ask them about sensitive teeth, while others were asked about specific causal like to drink cold water.

"It is not easy to generalize this, but there is the possibility of people who visit the dentist, 1 of 8 of them have sensitive teeth," said Cunha-Cruz.

An average of nearly 82 percent of study participants were predominantly white toothed, but there is still the possibility of tooth sensitivity experienced by other groups.

A dental expert who was not involved in the study, Dr. Richard Trushkowsky, saying "tooth sensitivity is universal, but some people can experience it depends on the foods they eat as food is acidic or alcoholic beverages."

The researchers found that adults between 18 and 44 years were 3.5 times more likely to have sensitive teeth than older adults. This is probably due to the material in the teeth called dentin can be thicker over time, protect the teeth better. Based on these studies, women tend to be 1.8 times more likely than men to have sensitive teeth.
Simple Tips on caring for sensitive teeth

To avoid tooth ache due to certain foods or beverages, drink water immediately after you eat or drink the acid such as citrus fruits. In addition, brush gigilah use toothpaste specially made for sensitive teeth.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Really Doing Housework Can Burn More Calories?

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Domestic work is always done housewives in general such as sweeping the floor or wash clothes did have a relationship with the amount of calories burned. However, a new study examining the relationship between housework and burning calories to say that the women in today expend less energy than the women of the past decades, which ultimately revealed one of the reasons why rates of obesity in women in this age much higher. The results are published in the journal PLoS ONE, January 2013.
Technology to be one of the factors the decline of physical activity housewife

The study looked at the diary of the women aged between 19-64 years, from 1965 to 2010, and in particular seeing their activity in the household chores such as preparing meals (including cleaning after meals), washing clothes, and cleaning the whole house. The women in the era of the 65's that doing household chores can burn 4663 calories known a week (660 calories per day), while in 2010 the figure dropped to 2806 calories per week (400 calories per day).

What happened? The researchers say that technological advances such as the presence of microwaves and dishwashers have made housework less physically active. The presence of other technologies such as television and computers also make women today spend twice as much time to interact with these technologies. Indirectly, it also triggers the women to sit longer than the cooking, cleaning floors, washing clothes, and other homework.

The presence of domestic helpers or assistants is also one of the factors decreasing the activity of housewives. However this can not be the benchmark as a whole, because there are many women in this modern era that still remain physically active by exercising regularly at the gym or at home. Moreover, previous research by the University of California showed that women in today spend more time caring for children than women of old, where it could have been much time, energy, and mind rather than doing homework.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Food Unhealthy Children Being Pregnant Make Junk Food Addicts

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Pregnant women who love to eat fatty foods, high in salt, and sugar-rich drinks have the risk of having children who are likely to become addicted to junk food (food nirnutrisi), a recent study found.
Eating unhealthy foods during pregnancy have long-term adverse effects for children

pregnant women and junk foodPara scientists from the University of Adelaide in Australia said that his research on rats showed a finding if the expectant mother who constantly eat foods that are not healthy, then it will lead to the possibility of changes in the brain that measurable progress their children are not born to have a tendency to consume foods that are unhealthy like junk food when they grow up.

The study, published in The FASEB Journal found that the brains of these children become less sensitive to the natural chemicals that are released when the high-fat foods consumed, thus making them eat more in order to feel satisfied.

"The results of this research will ultimately enable us to better inform pregnant women about the long-term effects of the foods they eat where a risk to the child's development of a lifetime preference and risk of metabolic diseases", said Beverly Muhlhausler, one of the researchers. "Hopefully this will encourage mothers to always eat healthy foods that will positively impact the health of children.

To reach their conclusions, the researchers studied two groups of mice, one of which was given a normal diet, while the other group was given food nirnutrisi (junk food) during pregnancy and lactation. The results showed that the brains of mice from mothers who eat junk food are less sensitive to changes in the chemical substances due to the high fat content of sweet foods than other mice.

Gerald Weissmann, MD, editor of The FASEB Journal, said that if the findings of the study showed that "junk food addiction is a real addiction", the same as drug addiction. "Sad to say that pregnant women who love to eat junk food during pregnancy are at risk for having children who become addicted to junk food", he said.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

5 Benefits of Lettuce For Body Health

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Lettuce not only be complementary foods such as salads or sandwiches, but also a bright green leafy vegetables are crisp rich in nutrients and very beneficial for health. In Indonesia, the lettuce is often used as fresh vegetables like cucumbers, tomatoes, and beans. In addition to the unsightly color and crisp taste, there are some benefits to health lettuce that we can get, as the following will be reviewed.

5 Benefits of lettuce for health

1. Sources of vitamin A
Lettuce is rich in vitamins. One of the vitamins that are found mainly in lettuce is vitamin A. In addition, lettuce also contains beta-carotene. Vitamin A helps maintain eye health, as well as maintain healthy skin by increasing the mucus membranes.

2. Preventing age-related macular degeneration
Lettuce contains zeaxanthin that can help improve eyesight and prevent cataracts. Zeaxanthin has antioxidant properties and also help prevent age-related macular disease. Lettuce also contains flavonoids that can help prevent lung cancer and mouth.

3. Strengthen bones
Lettuce contains vitamin K, which can help strengthen bones by increasing bone mass and increased activity in bone osteotrophic also help prevent osteoporosis. Vitamin K also can reduce the risk of brain damage making it possible also to prevent Alzheimer's disease.

4. Increase Fertility
Fresh lettuce contains folic acid and vitamin C is abundant. Folic acid helps maintain the fetus in order to stay healthy during pregnancy to reduce the risk of possible complications. In addition, folic acid also helps improve the reproductive health of both men and women. Vitamin C in lettuce helps boost the immune system and helps fight infection.

5. Increase the metabolic rate
Lettuce is a rich source of various kinds of minerals such as iron, manganese, copper, calcium, magnesium, and potassium, in which these substances can increase the rate of metabolism in the body. Potassium has an important role to control blood pressure and improve heart health by regulating the body's water balance. While calcium in lettuce can strengthen teeth and bones. Copper and iron can help produce red blood cells in the body.

That's some lettuce for health benefits. However, you must remain vigilant because lettuce is one of the vegetables that are most vulnerable to pesticide exposure. Therefore, make sure you wash the lettuce first before cooking or consumption.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

5 Foods to Avoid Before Exercise

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If you exercise with an empty stomach, your body will not have enough energy to support it. Eating too much or choose food that is not right before exercise is also a thing you should not do. This is because all the energy you will be redirected to digest food. Therefore, experts advise to eat foods naturally before exercising. In addition there are some foods that you should avoid before exercising. What is it? Here's his review.

5 Foods to Avoid Before Exercise

1. The food that can make flatulence
Foods such as beans, broccoli, fruit, and milk tends to give the effect of gas, which in turn will make your stomach discomfort while exercising.

2. Foods that are rich in sugar
Probably a good idea to eat a piece of cake or cupcake before exercise. Indeed, high-sugar foods can provide a quick source of energy for your body. However, calories 'sweet' will burn more quickly, causing you to feel tired more quickly as well. If you need instant energy source prior to exercise, choose healthy foods such as bananas, where the fruit is also offering a myriad of important nutrients for the body.

3. Spicy Food
Food was a bit challenging as spicy foods can indeed satisfy your desires. However, eating spicy foods before exercise can make your stomach discomfort, such as indigestion or heartburn, and will eventually damage your physical exercise program in the middle of the road.

4. Foods rich in salt
Avoid foods that are too salty or high salt before exercising. Salty foods tend to dehydrate. Dehydration can cause headaches and cramps that will affect your activities when exercising.

5. Food weight
If you plan to exercise, avoid eating a heavy meal as the food you eat each day before the move. Heavy food takes a long time to digest. Eating a heavy meal before exercising allows you to experience digestive problems when exercising. If you already eat a plate of rice with a variety of side dishes, wait for 2 hours before you decide to exercise.

Friday, February 13, 2015

6 Sleep Position and Personality Affect Your Health

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Not only speaking style, it turns out someone sleeping position can explain personality.

In a survey involving 1,000 participants, Professor Chris Idzikowski, director of the Sleep Assessment and Advisory Service, analyzed six common sleeping position most do. Research findings indicate that sleep position not only affect health, but also can reflect a person's personality. What are the sixth position? Check out his review below:

The Freefall

Position: Lie on your stomach or on your stomach with your hands around the pillow and head turned to the side.

Personality: People with prone sleeping position tend to be extroverted and gregarious personality. However, they are often careless, seemed restless and irritable.

Health benefits: Lying on his stomach or stomach good for digestion.

The Fetus

Position: This position as the position of the fetus in the womb, bed roll, and turned to the side. It is the most common sleeping positions do. As many as 41 percent of the 1,000 participants, sleep with this position.

Personality: Those who sleep with this curled position tend to be shy and sensitive at heart. They need time to warm up in communicating with other people, but soon melts slowly and relaxed.

Health Effects: Noteworthy is not all direction (right or left) of these positions provide health benefits. Sleeping with a curled up position facing the left side can cause stress on vital organs such as the liver, stomach, and lung. So if curled is your favorite position, be sure to adjust your position facing the right side of the body.

The Log

Position: Lie on your side with arms at your sides and legs stretched out.

Personality: People who sleep in this position are social and relaxed.
Weaknesses: They have a tendency to trust anyone, including foreigners, thus making them gullible.

Health Benefits: This position makes the spine straight, beneficial for those who suffer from back pain.

The Yearner

Position: Almost the same as log position, but with both hands stretched out.

Personality: People with sleep position as these tend to be open to new things, but also suspicious and cynical. They require a long time to make a decision, weigh the good and bad repeatedly. But if they have to make a choice, they hardly ever change your mind or regret his choice.

Health Benefits: Helps relieve some of the problems associated with acid reflux disease and sleep apnea. But if these symptoms occur frequently, you may need to come to a specialist.

The Soldier

Position: Lie on your back with your arms at your sides.

Personality: People with sleeping positions like these are generally quiet and reserved. They do not like to make a deal on the big things. They set a very high standard of achievement for them and others.

Health effects: research shows that sleeping on your back can cause snoring, difficulty breathing, and sleep soundly.

The Starfish

Position: Lie on your back with both arms up.

Personality: People with sleep position like this is described as a good listener. They are always willing to offer help and generally do not like being in the limelight.

Health effects: As the soldier sleeping position, the effect is more likely to snore and have breathing problems that made sleep soundly.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

11 Reasons To Eat Pomegranate

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Although easy to find in Indonesia, but it seems pomegranate is not so popular when compared with oranges, bananas, or mango. In fact, the benefits of pomegranate are numerous and are not inferior to other fruits. Pomegranate can be consumed directly in fresh condition, as a mixed fruit salad or salad, or made into juice. If consumed regularly, pomegranates can provide many benefits for health, including:

1. Anti-aging
Pomegranates can provide anti-aging effects. Pomegranate contains antioxidants with a number of very abundant and is one of the fruits with the highest scale as absorbing free radicals.

2. Protect kidney
New research published some time ago in the Journal of Renal Failure indicates that pomegranate juice may prevent kidney damage and protect the kidneys from harmful toxins.

3. Protect your heart
Some new research published in the journal Toxicology and Industrial Health showed that pomegranate juice not only protects the liver, but also can improve it when the liver is damaged.

4. Enhance the immune
Eating fruit or pomegranate juice can boost immunity

5. Anti-allergy
Pomegranate is rich in polyphenol substances that have been shown to reduce the biochemical processes associated with allergies

6. Preventing heart attack
Pomegranate also been shown to prevent heart disease. Recent research published in the journal Altheroclerosis showed that pomegranate can improve the body's ability to synthesize cholesterol and destroy free radicals in the vascular system.

7. Against Cancer
A study published in the journal Translational Oncology showed that the juice and pomegranate juice can kill cancer cells.
Breast Cancer: Scientists at the University of California studied the effects of pomegranate juice and nutritional components (luteolin, ellagic acid and punicic) in the fight against breast cancer. They concluded that the juice and pomegranate juice is effective in preventing the development of breast cancer.
Skin cancer: According to a new study published in the British Journal of Dermatology, consumption of pomegranate may affect the decrease in the development of two types of skin cancer is basal cell carcinoma and the squamous cell carcinoma.

8. Protection of DNA
Antioxidants in pomegranates also provide protection to the genetic components of the body.

9. Normalize blood pressure
A study published in the journal Plant Foods for Human Nutrition found that pomegranate juice can help prevent high blood pressure associated with high-fat foods.

10. Set the syndrome of insulin resistance
Research published in the journal Food and Function showed that pomegranate can help regulate blood sugar, increase the body's sensitivity to insulin, reducing inflammation and other factors involved in the insulin resistance syndrome, is associated with obesity and diabetes. Because of this, the pomegranate is believed to lose weight.

11. Improving the effectiveness of the drug
Pomegranate juice is known to increase the effectiveness of drugs used against gram-negative bacteria. Gram-negative bacteria are known as bacteria that are always against drugs.

Efficacy Onion Not Lose With Garlic

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Interesting story between onion and garlic seems not only happen in fairy tales or just soap operas. In the real world, these two herbs is also involved in 'competition', but not the negative competition like in the story. Competition in question is the second competition of the onions in a positive contribution to health. Both have properties that are good for the body. It is also reinforced by a number of studies which found that onions and garlic contain important substances that can support human health.

If the previous articles have discussed the properties of garlic, this article will discuss about the efficacy of onion. As with garlic, onions also contain important compounds and substances that are beneficial to the body, such as:

1. The compound Quercetin

  •      This compound is a family of antioxidant compounds called polyphenols, flavonoids. The healthy compound is more contained in onions than garlic.
  •      These compounds have anti-inflammatory properties, which makes decreasing the risk of cancer in man.
  •      Arthritis or inflammatory disease that is treatable because these compounds.
  •      For men, these compounds are also useful in improving prostate health and prevent prostate cancer.
  •      In addition to anti-inflammatory, these compounds are also a natural antihistamine that can reduce allergic reactions.
  •      Several studies conducted on the potential of these compounds, one of which is to preserve healthy cholesterol levels (HDL) and suppress bad cholesterol (LDL).

2. Sulfur Compounds

  •      These compounds become penangung responsibility existence spicy flavor, distinctive aroma of onion, and gases that cause watery eyes peeled onion current.
  •      Antimicrobial and antibacterial properties can fight cancer cells.
  •      These compounds can also be used to treat respiratory problems, such as asthma.
  •      In addition, sulfur also helps prevent blood clotting, which can prevent a heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, and hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis).

3. Vitamin A, E, and C
These vitamins have an important role as a good antioxidant.

4. Copper
This substance is an essential mineral that helps in the maintenance of bones and joints that are not affected by osteoporosis.

Another study was also carried out, that onions help prevent bowel and stomach disorders. It also affects the level of the high consumption of red onions can prevent colon cancer and cancer kololrektal. In addition, the organism in onion can help encourage the growth of healthy bacteria and inhibit the growth of bad bacteria in the gut.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

13 Tips To Avoid From Diabetes

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Diabetes mellitus or diabetes is a disease characterized by increased blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia) continuously, especially after eating. There are three types of diabetes namely diabetes type 1, diabetes type 2, and gestational diabetes, but the most common is diabetes type 2 diabetes mellitus ranks 4th as a cause of human death in the world. Diabetes is caused by an unhealthy lifestyle such as unhealthy eating patterns that lead to obesity and lazy to exercise. To reduce risk of diabetes, here are some tips that you can do, including:

1. Keep moving
Physical activity can lower blood sugar and improve insulin sensitivity. Research shows that aerobic exercise or physical activity can help control diabetes such. (ADA) American Diabetes Association recommends for mild aerobic exercise like gymnastics or tennis half an hour each time you exercise, five times per week. It is also reinforced with a 16-year study by the Harvard School of Public Health that found that walking every day can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by 30%.

2. Switch to wheat and grain consumption
White bread, white rice, and potatoes not only cause enlarged waist circumference, but these foods also have a high glycemic index, causing a spike in blood sugar and insulin levels. Experts also agree that refined carbohydrates such as starch and sugar can increase the risk of diabetes. A Chinese study involving 75,000 women, found that women who have a high glycemic index food, 21% greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared with those whose diet low glycemic indexed.

You are advised to control the consumption of carbohydrates and switch to wheat. Bread wheat, seral, and similar food is very good for preventing diabetes because it slows the absorption of carbohydrates. Another study from the Harvard School of Public Health also found that those who consumed an average of 2-3 servings of grains per day, 30% less likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who rarely eat grains.

3. Try apple cider vinegar
Two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar a day may lower blood sugar spikes. It is based on a series of studies by Carol Johnston, Ph.D., professor and director of the nutrition program at Arizona State University, who found that apple cider vinegar can lower blood sugar. You can add apple cider vinegar to your diet.

4. Consumption of cinnamon
In a 2003 study, researchers Pakistan along with Richard Anderson, a scientist with the US Department of Agriculture, found that eating 1 gram of cinnamon per day can reduce blood sugar. Although research in the US is still in doubt about this, but experts still recommend cinnamon diabetes for consumption.

5. Drinking coffee
A study involving 125,000 participants (84 276 women) by the Harvard School of Public Health showed that women who drank six or more cups per day can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by nearly 30%, although it can lead to other health risks. So, consume coffee as needed. The coffee is rich in antioxidants, including chlorogenic acid and magnesium which can increase sensitivity to insulin.

6. Eat vegetables
Experts disagree about the best foods to prevent diabetes, but all agree you should eat vegetables, fruits, nuts, and grains as well. Avoid trans fats, chemicals, and processed foods.

7. Replace red meat with soy
Red meat is an excellent source of protein, but according to a study in Boston found that eating red meat increases the risk of type 2 diabetes in women. Therefore, replace red meat with soy. It does not seem difficult to find soy-based foods, because of course you are familiar with tempeh or know. Soy protein may help regulate glucose and insulin levels, weight control, and lowers cholesterol.

8. Avoid sugary drinks
Often drinks containing high sugar very harmful to health, especially those who are prone to diabetes. Various studies also agree with this. Drinking more than a serving of sweet drinks every day at risk for developing diabetes. Diet soda is also the same effect, even make you more hungry and craving sugar.

9. Reduce stress
Experts believe that stress has a relationship with the increase in blood sugar that can develop diabetes risk. Therefore, avoid things that cause you stress. If you're under stress, find solutions to overcome it as soon as possible, able to exercise such as swimming or eating foods that can relieve stress.

10. Fill your need for vitamin D
Vitamin D, which we can get from sun exposure, contributes to insulin sensitivity and secretion, prevent diabetes, and reduce complications for those already diagnosed. Vitamin D can also be obtained by eating low-fat dairy, fish, and vitamin D supplements

11. Getting enough sleep
Not getting enough sleep will increase hunger, leading to weight gain, and further increases the risk of developing diabetes. Sleep at least 7 hours per night.

12. Stop Smoking
Smokers are more likely to develop diabetes by 50% compared with non-smokers. Heavy smokers have a higher risk. So stop smoking immediately to avoid the risk of diabetes or other health problems.

13. Check your blood pressure
Have your blood pressure periodically in order to be known as early as possible of your health condition, whether or not there are health problems (such as high blood pressure or obesity), so that the doctor can determine what action should be given before it's too late.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Benefits Pool For Fun Sports

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Benefits pool - Swimming is one sport that is fun alternative to getting in shape. Pool does not need a partner like football, badminton, or basketball. So, if you are having trouble finding a partner to exercise, then swim. Swimming is also a family sport, a universal sport that can be done by anyone, from children to the elderly.
benefits of Swimming

As with other physical activity, swimming also provide health benefits for the body. According to experts, useful to improve the swimming ability of the brain, relieve stress, help the problems of asthma, to reduce the risk of diabetes. A study also showed that the pool can keep you from a stroke. The other benefits of swimming are as follows:

Burn calories effectively
Swimming can help burn calories as much as 500 to 650 calories per hour, depending on how efficient and effective you swim. When compared to running and cycling, burning calories resulting from the activity of swimming is also no less powerful. The effectiveness of burning calories to within no more swimming 11% of the run and not more than 3% of cycling (assumption: long activity is the same). This is certainly also can control your weight to keep looking.

Help arthritis problems
Pool offers physical activity is minimal risk, provide a sense of security in the bones and joints of the risk of injury as often happens in other sports such as running. Swimming and other water activities are often used for rehabilitation therapy such as in people with arthritis (inflammation of one or more joints).

Muscle tone evenly
Pool assessed as physical activity very effective in toning the muscles of the body. Water pressure is almost 12-fold in the same muscles as the air. Swimming is a sport that gives an opportunity to almost all parts of the body, ie starting from the top to the bottom to move. This is what makes swimming is considered as an ideal exercise for toning the muscles in almost all parts of the body. Butterfly in swimming very effective in toning the muscles of the upper and lower parts of the body such as the shoulders, hips, to the foot.

Lowering high blood pressure
Pool requires a strong breath, which can have an effect on increasing circulation. Pool is known to control blood pressure, so it is good for the heart and lungs. Pool can lower high blood pressure and an effective option for the obese and those who have difficulty participating in other sports such as football or basketball.

So a few reviews about the benefits of swimming for the body. Hopefully this article useful ..

Watching Too Much Television Risk Shorten Age

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Spend your days in front of the television can shorten life, a new study shows.

Researchers in Australia found that people who spend their time for an average of 6 hours a day just to watch TV, have a lifespan of 5 years shorter than those who rarely watch television. For every hour of watching television in people aged 25 years and older, the age will be reduced by 22 minutes, according to a study led by Dr. J. Lennert Veerman of the University of Queensland.

But the bottom line is, other experts cautioned that the study does not show that watching TV may cause people to die sooner. This study only shows an association between the length of time watching TV with a short lifespan. Although a direct link between watching TV with the age of a person's life becomes shorter is a very provocative statement, but the danger of the TV almost certainly exist even if indirectly, said Dr. David L. Katz, director of the Prevention Research Center at Yale University School of Medicine.

Actually it is a sensible thing when the habit is too long watching television has a correlation with health problems. "The more time spent watching TV, the more time spent for snacking or eating while watching TV, and the less time is used for the sport," said Katz. "A lot of eating and less activity, the time will be at risk of causing problems of obesity, heart disease, and cancer".

Another explanation for this relationship is that people who watch excessive TV, tend to be people who are experiencing depression, stress, and loneliness. This in turn can be the answer to the real cause of premature death.

The report is published in the online edition of the British Journal of Sports Medicine last August 15. In the study, researchers used data from the Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle Study, in which 11,000 people aged 25 and older, including survey information about how many of those who watch TV in a week. The researchers also used a national population and mortality.

In 2008, Australian adults watch TV for a total of 9.8 billion hours. People who watch TV more than six hours a day in the top 1 percent. Statistics show that watching too much TV as dangerous as smoking, the researchers said. For example, smoking can shorten the life expectancy of more than four years after the age of 50. That means the age of life will be gone 11 minutes for each cigarette, and it is equal to a half hours watching TV, the researchers said. Without TV, researchers estimated life expectancy for men would be 1.8 years longer and for women, 1.5 years longer.

"While we use the data of Australia, the effect in industrialized countries and other developing tend to be the same, considering the time spent watching TV and similar patterns of disease," the researchers said.

Dr. Gregg Fonarow, associate chief of cardiology at the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles, said that "there is strong evidence that spend a long time for sedentary activities such as watching TV and not use it for activities such as exercise, will have a negative impact for health. "

"Staying active and reducing time spent on passive activities such as watching TV, can be beneficial in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and may be considered as part of a comprehensive approach to improve cardiovascular health," Fonarow added.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Hair Loss and How to Overcome It

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Hair loss is a problem that is quite troublesome for some people. The problem of hair loss can be experienced by everyone, both of gender and age. But for those of you who are experiencing this problem should not worry, because there are ways to cope with your hair loss. Noteworthy is that not all the way to overcome hair loss described, could be suitable or applicable to everyone. Many factors you should know that the cause of your hair loss. Therefore, how to cope with hair loss was also vary, depending on the circumstances. The factors that cause hair loss are as follows:

1. habits that are not good in treating hair

     Wearing a serrated comb meetings, often heats the hair with a flat iron, hot curling, and hairdryer.
     Tie your hair too tight.
     Wash your hair too often in a day that makes the hair's natural oil levels will be reduced so as to make the hair more brittle.
     Rarely wash your hair will make hair tangled so difficult to comb. And when your hair is combed in these conditions, it allows the hair will more easily fall.

2. Conditions unhealthy body

Hair loss can also be caused due to the condition of the body that are not as healthy as some of the following:

     Hair loss can occur due to anemia due to iron deficiency in the body's red blood cells. These substances play a role in the health of the hair follicle. The solution is the consumption of iron supplements and combined with vitamin C. Vitamin C helps iron absorption is easy and effective
     Stress also be the culprit of hair loss. Essentially you have to avoid the pressure and stress either by way of therapy, meditation, yoga, do unpopular things, and other things.
     Less calories
     You're doing a low calorie diet to lose weight? So do not be surprised if your hair is falling out, because this diet makes you dehydrated, cramps, and fatigue. You are advised to continue to consume enough protein in your diet, because protein is a substance that is good for maintaining healthy hair.
     Consuming certain drugs
     Drugs such as diuretics, Rx pills, and antidepressants have side effects that are easy to hair loss. If you are in a condition that requires taking these drugs, then try to consult with your doctor to be given the best advice to resolve the issue.

3. Genetic Factors

Hair loss can also be due to genetic or hereditary factors.

In addition to the factors and solutions described above, there are several ways you can do to prevent and cope with hair loss, namely:

     Meet the nutritional needs of your body with nutritious foods especially those containing iron and protein. As reviewed previously that these two substances have an important role for healthy hair. You can find a good source of protein in eggs, fish, soy, nuts, yogurt, and so forth.
     Apply a conditioner that contains ginseng to keep hair healthy and not easily broken.
     When you use a conditioner, comb your hair with a comb-tooth is not meeting / rare.
     Be selective in choosing a shampoo. You can use herbal shampoo or any other shampoo shampoo-qualified and proven to cope with hair loss.
     Avoid washing your hair with hot water.
     Avoid hair dryer or towel dry your hair when you want. You just dry your hair with aerated.
     Use hair tonic or hair growth serum. Hair tonic containing ginseng is very good in stimulating new hair growth.
     Avoid drinks that contain caffeine, as these substances are not good for hair growth.
     Reduce the use of hair gel, hair oil, hair spray, hair dye, and cream. Try to use products made from natural ingredients.
     Hair mask can also be as a nutrient that can restore hair health. Use 2 to 3 times a week.
     The last suggestion is, check with your doctor nearby dermatologist in order to obtain better handling.

Similarly, a short article about hair loss and how to prevent and handle. Hope it is useful ..

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Sleep Deprivation Contributing In Causing Obesity

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  Your lack of sleep? Means you have the opportunity to make you gain weight. Yes, lack of sleep not only can reduce the immune system, but also can make your body into a fat or obese. This is demonstrated by the experts Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, United States, that someone less sleep tend to consume more calories, making them easier too fat.

The study involved 17 healthy young men and women. They were followed for 8 nights. They were divided into two groups, half of the participants were placed into groups with normal sleep time (control group), while the rest are placed in groups with bedtime only two-thirds (2/3) alone (Group lack of sleep).

During the study, all participants are allowed to eat as much as they want. And the results showed that participants who are in the category of sleep-deprived group on average consume 549 extra calories per day. The sleep-deprived group also burn less calories during the activity compared to control group.

The researchers say that the lack of sleep is correlated with increased levels of leptin and ghrelin levels. Both were very influential on a person's appetite. These changes are possible due to excessive eating rather than the cause of overeating, said experts whose research is published in the Journal of the AHA (American Heart Association).

Lack of sleep is a problem most people today, carrying approximately 28 percent of adults are now deprived of sleep, or just 6 hours per day. Researchers noted, although this study shows that lack of sleep can be an important cause of obesity, but this is only a small study that has yet to prove a causal relationship.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Able to Reduce Inflammation Green Tea Tonsils

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Green tea is a lot of benefits. Besides being able to cope with bad breath, green tea can also reduce inflammation of the tonsils. Tonsillitis can affect anyone, no matter children or adults. Tonsils are located at the back of the mouth and coat the sides of the throat. If there is a virus or bacteria that infect, tonsils will feel pain that is usually accompanied by irritation, inflammation, redness, and throat will feel itchy.

As described earlier, according to a study from Iowa State University, green tea can fight viruses and bacteria that create inflammation and irritation is reduced. According to the results of the study, green tea contains catechins, which is an antioxidant that can release special proteins that attack bacteria and viruses. With the release of this protein, will increase the response of the immune system becomes better.

Thus, green tea can boost immune function by fighting viral and bacterial infections that can make the tonsils become swollen. The researchers suggest that consuming caffeine-free green tea in order to boost immunity.

Not only that, green tea can also function as an anti-inflammatory and has the potential to reduce pain tonsils. Green tea also has the properties as inhibitors of bacterial growth and can help to neutralize the bacteria are trapped in pockets of the tonsils that can lead to infection.

The researchers recommend that consume 2 to 4 cups of green tea every day. The recommended process is to mix 1 teaspoon of green with a cup of boiling water, then let stand for 10 minutes.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Is Coffee Can Reduce Stress?

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If you're one of the 56 percent of adults who drink coffee every day, you may wish to increase energy, not relaxation. But the scientists found that coffee may have the potential to reduce emotional and physical stress. In the same way that coffee affects the brain to make you alert, it affects the neurotransmitters that can help your body fight the symptoms of stress and stress-related illnesses.

Research in animals
A Japanese study examined the coffee and also other components, caffeine and chlorogenic acid - a type of vegetable antioxidants - useful for reducing stress in the hippocampus in the rat brain. The researchers looked at the interaction of coffee with the brain chemical serotonin and dopamine, two neurotransmitters associated with emotion. The results, published in "Neuroscience Letters" 2002 edition found that coffee reduces the stress response of rat chemical when they were tested while under stress conditions.

Stress and Blood Pressure
Researchers in Switzerland found that coffee affects the stress-induced high blood pressure differently in people who drink frequently than those who rarely drink coffee. Research shows that coffee causes an increase in blood pressure under stress situations for which no / rarely drink coffee, but in those who drink coffee regularly, their blood pressure is not affected by stress. However, a previous study in 1992, published in "Psychosomatic Medicine," found that 6 cups of caffeinated coffee a day increases the heart rate response to mental stress.

Stress Associated With Pregnancy
The third trimester of pregnancy is stressful for many women because of physical changes of weight, pressure on the internal organs, back pain, frequent urination and heartburn. A Japanese team studied the effect of coffee consumption on stress in pregnancy, is determined by the level of cortisol, or "stress hormone." The study, published in 2006 in the "International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics," found that the level of cortisol in pregnant women significantly reduced after consuming coffee. However, as notes, because caffeine can affect your baby's heart rate and may be associated with a slightly increased risk of miscarriage, you should consume no more than two cups of coffee (each cup = 8-ounce) a day while pregnant.

Work Related Stress
Coffee is 'mandatory friends' in the office for most people, but one study published in 2007 in the journal "Psychoneuroendocrinology" shows that coffee is not a good thing when it is present at the time of occupational stress. Health-care workers who drank the most coffee had the greatest level of the stress hormone cortisol in the evening after a day of work. A second study was not published at the University of Bristol in England found that caffeinated coffee consumption in the workplace makes men feel more depressed, although it tends to reduce stress for women.

Related Stress Less Sleep
Staying up all night to prepare for the exam tomorrow and accompanied by a cup of coffee is not unusual for students, but if you lack of sleep can make your body stress. A study published in 2008 in the "Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry" found that the coffee aroma can help combat stress due to lack of sleep. When researchers tested the aroma of roasted coffee beans on mice in the laboratory, several genes in mice can be activated, including some that produce proteins with healthful antioxidant activity and reduce cortisol.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Causes and How to Overcome BREATH

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Bad breath is a problem most people. Not infrequently, the problem of bad breath can affect self-confidence, a sense of inferiority consequently arise when talking with others. Surely you are aware if your mouth odor, then it will also disrupt your interlocutors. Perhaps you are not aware if your mouth odor, but it never hurts to check themselves. The trick is to insert a clean finger into the mouth, then take the saliva on the back of the tongue. Furthermore, saliva is put on the back of your hand, wait a minute and smell the aroma. If the smell, then indeed your breath issued a pleasant aroma.


1. Bactery
Your bad breath can be caused by bacteria that thrive in the mouth. Gigi is a place bersembunyinya this microorganism and cover your tongue. They then multiply and will remove toxins and odors.

2. crypts
Crypts is the cause of halitosis (bad breath wafted current state when breathing). Located in the tonsil crypts hole. When the tonsils clot and too wide, the odor will gather in the holes. Clots can sometimes smell and create unpleasant mouth odor.

3. Bad Habits
Chewing tobacco and smoking is a bad habit that can cause odor really bad.

4. Food
The food here means smelling foods such as garlic, onion, banana, and other jengkol will cause bad breath sharp anyway, even though it has been brushing teeth, bad breath and even then remained there for hours.

5. Stomach Problems
Ulcer can also cause bad breath when burping. Low-carbohydrate diets can cause ketosis or fat burning in the body that produce odor.

How to overcome bad breath
There are several ways to cope with your mouth. Here are simple tips oral health experts quoted from

1. Toothbrush
Brush your teeth and tongue regularly and correctly. Brush the back of the tongue if you use fluoride tooth past because it can kill the bacteria that cause bad breath. This is based on a study that by brushing the tongue part, bad breath can be reduced by 70%.

2. Flossing
Flossing or flossing can be done because it can remove residual food tucked, remove plaque and so on.

3. Gargle
Gargle with peroxide because it can kill the bacteria that cause bad breath

4. Expand Drinking
Drink plenty of water to eliminate bad breath due to dry mouth. Dry mouth can occur due to a lack of fluid, breathing from the mouth, or certain drugs.

5. Check Sinus
Sinus could be the cause of willing mouth. Sinus infection may underlie the occurrence of bad breath

6. Eat Yogurt and Gum Xylitol
Eat yogurt to recharge the good bacteria in the gut. Chew also chewing gum that contains xylitol to reduce bad breath. By chewing gum can increase the levels of saliva which can rinse the bacteria in the mouth. You can also consume parsley and celery that have antifungal and antibacterial properties.

If these methods fail to remove your bad breath, consult your dentist. Check with your teeth every six months in order to control the problem of the mouth and teeth.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

20 Tips to lose weight diet

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You've been on a diet, but have not managed to lose weight? Maybe you do so in a way that is less precise as the morning meal, and so on. Here are 20 tips on diet adapted from and hopefully can help you to lose weight:

1. Drink plenty of water or calorie-free drinks
Before you open the bags of potato chips, drink a glass of water first. People sometimes confuse thirst and hunger, so as to end up with eating extra calories, whereas a glass airlah he needed. In addition, you can brew a cup of herbal tea.

2. Selective against a light meal at night
Snacking in front of the TV while relaxing at night is one of the easiest ways to ruin your diet program course. Better shut your kitchen or avoid snacking at night. Even if they have to snacking, choose snacks that are low in calories.

3. Eat Some small portions
If you eat fewer calories than you burn, you will lose weight. But when you are hungry all the time, eating fewer calories can be a challenge. "Studies show people who eat 4-5 times per day are better able to control appetite and weight," says obesity researcher Rebecca Reeves, DrPH, RD. She recommends dividing your daily calories into smaller meals or snacks and enjoy most of their food.

4. Eat protein at every meal
Try to eat protein at every meal you. It is more satisfying than carbohydrates or your belly fat and make you feel full longer. It also helps maintain muscle mass and encourages fat burning. So be sure to incorporate healthy proteins such as seafood, lean meat, egg whites, yogurt, cheese, soy, and nuts to your diet.

5. Add the spicy flavor to food
Add chili seasoning on your food as a flavor boost that can help you feel satisfied. "The food is loaded with flavor will stimulate your taste buds and more satisfying, so you will not eat a lot," said a spokesman for the American Dietetic Association Malena Perdomo, RD

6. Fill your fridge with healthy food
Fill your fridge with healthy foods such as vegetables, low-fat cheese, canned tomatoes, canned beans, wheat, fruits and others so that you can process food from these materials at any time when you are hungry. That way you avoid the intention to order a pizza and other fast food.

7. Message meal with the kids while serving in the restaurant
Ordered a dish with the size of the kids is a great way to cut calories and keep your portions reasonable. Has become a popular trend for most people who are not going to hesitate when ordering food portions for children. Another trick is to use smaller plates. It helps that the visible portion of a lot, and if your mind is satisfied, your stomach will be satisfied.

8. Reduce food berpasta and made from flour
Simply by eating less pasta or bread and replace it by eating more vegetables, you can lose your shirt or pants size in a year. "You can save 100-200 calories if you reduce the portion of flour on your plate and increase the amount of vegetables," says Cynthia Sass, RD, spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association.

9. Always eat breakfast
If you think that skipping breakfast will lose weight, do not be too sure. Several studies show the opposite. Skipping breakfast can make you feel hungry later, which causes too much partying chew and eat at lunch and dinner. To lose weight and keep it off, try to eat a healthy breakfast, high in fiber such as cereals, low fat milk, and fruit.

10. Include fiber in your diet
Fiber helps digestion, prevent constipation, and lowers cholesterol and can help you lose weight. To reap the benefits of fiber, most women should get about 25 grams a day, while men need about 38 grams - or 14 grams per 1,000 calories. Good sources of fiber include oatmeal (oats), nuts, whole grain foods, and a variety of fruits and vegetables.

11. Clean the cabinets of fattening foods
Get rid of foods that are high in calories and fat in your storage closet, the ice cream is no exception in your refrigerator.

12. Lose weight slowly
Do not hurry, hurry to lose weight. Losing weight takes time and can not be instant. Experts say that a realistic weight loss is about 1-2 pounds a week. If your expectations are too high maybe you will quickly give up.

13. Weigh yourself once a week
People who weigh themselves regularly tend to lose weight more successfully. But most experts suggest weigh weigh yourself only once a week, so you do not slip by daily fluctuations. When you weigh yourself, follow these tips: Weigh yourself at the same time, on the same day of the week, on the same scale, and in the same outfit.

14. Enough Sleep
If you are sleep deprived, your body will produce the hormone ghrelin stimulates appetite but produces less leptin to signal you when you're full. Enough sleep also keep you from unnecessary snacking activity.

15. Understanding portion sizes
For the right size in your diet, use a kitchen scale and measuring cups to measure your portions for 1-2 weeks. Use smaller plates and glasses to reduce the number of servings you.

16. Eat more fruits and vegetables
The best diet is where you can eat more food, not less. If you eat more fruits and vegetables, you should not feel hungry because fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients are also high in fiber and water, which can provide a feeling of fullness. Snacking can be a good thing as long as you choose smart snacks.

17. Chew sugarless gum
Chew sugarless gum instead of a snack or light meal can be fattening. Chew some kind of gum gives fresh breath and also can help manage hunger, snacking control cravings, and help in weight loss. Although chewing gum can make you eat less, it does not mean you can stop eating the right foods.

18. Storing food diary
A simple pen and paper can dramatically increase your weight loss. Studies show that writing down what you eat and drink tends to make you more aware of what, when, and how much you consume food, tell you to finally take fewer calories.

19. Celebrate your success (but not with food)
You lose 2-5 pounds this month and continues to decrease every week? Time to celebrate! celebrate your efforts to lose weight can be pushed much success, so have fun on your achievements. Do a fun activity for you like watching movies and other activities, it's just, do not celebrate with ice cream or pizza on the sidelines of your activity.

20. Ask for help from family and friends
Getting support can help you to achieve weight loss. So, tell your family and friends about your efforts to live a healthy lifestyle. Maybe they will join you in exercising and eating healthy foods. When you feel like giving up, they will help you and entertain you make your struggle much easier.

How to Cope with Skin Irritation

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Skin irritation can be caused by insect bites, chicken pox, eczema or skin burns. No matter how severe skin irritation, scratching can be a bad idea and will only exacerbate the problem. There are many medications available to help smooth your skin back, some of which are:

Aloe Vera (Aloe Vera)
Aloe vera or aloe vera can work to relieve the irritation of your skin. Sunburn or abrasions can be treated with aloe vera gel on the irritated area. Aloe vera gel can be purchased at almost any drug stores, pharmacies and so on. The skin will be better after topical aloe vera gel. However, if after applying this gel, your skin becomes worse and became a dark reddish color, chances are you have allergies.

Oatmeal (Oatmeal)
Oatmeal or wheat-based foods can also overcome skin irritation. Although it may sound silly at first, oatmeal can work wonders in overcoming skin irritation caused by chickenpox or poisonous plants. Wheat powder bath with warm water can relieve itching. There are also oatmeal-based lotion that can be rubbed on your skin before bed.

vitamin E
Vitamin E can keep skin nice and heal irritated skin naturally. Usually sold in the form of oil and can be rubbed gently with cotton on the inflamed area. Vitamin E in the form of capsules is also the same as in the form of oil. If you open a capsule of vitamin E, you can remove the gel contained within the capsule and apply it to the rash using a swab. Vitamin E also serves to help heal wounds without leaving a scar.

Prevent Skin Irritation
Although there are many ways to treat skin irritations, prevention is key. The skin can easily become irritated at cold temperatures. If the air temperature in the environment you're cold, always wear gloves to protect your hands from the cold. Use lotion every night so cold air does not dry out your skin. Be sure to wear sunscreen in hot weather when spending time at the beach or in the pool. When going to a mountain to climb, try to wear protective clothing and length to avoid direct contact with poisonous plants that can cause skin irritation.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

9 Benefits of Honey for the Body

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Honey is a liquid syrupy sweet and creamy. Honey is produced by bees from the nectar of flowers. Many of the benefits of honey that we can get. Honey has been shown to have a positive impact to the health of the body, especially if consumed regularly. The benefits of honey for the body not only do we feel on the inside only, but can also be used on the outside of the body such as the skin are injured. The other benefits of honey are as follows ..

9 Benefits of Honey for the Body

1. Improve Digestive System
Honey can help improve the digestive system because honey has anti-bacterial properties. Honey is easily digested so good to eat children.

2. Diet
If you're want to diet, then honey can also be applied. A mixture of lemon, honey and warm water in drinking regularly can control your weight. Fat will be eroded but not draining, because honey can improve the energy. Eat honey 2 tablespoons a day so that your energy to stay awake during the day.

3. Sore Throat
Honey is also beneficial in treating sore throat. Do I add honey to the juice / juice drink ginger later on.

4. Sugar Substitute
Honey can be mixed in drinks or food. If you like to drink tea, try to replace the sugar with honey as a sweetener.

5. Prevent Cancer
Cancer can also be prevented by eating honey because honey contains carcinogens and as an anti-tumor.

6. Maintain Skin
The skin can remain supple and fresh by applying honey on the face for about 15 minutes. After that, rinse with warm water Waja.

7. Drug Injury
Honey can also be used as a first aid when the skin is injured as a result of cuts, burns, and other wounds. Honey has antiseptic properties that can prevent infection and reduce the growth of bacteria.

8. Help Sleeping Beauty
Combine as many as two teaspoons of honey with a cup of chamomile tea and drink before bed. This can help the nerves become calmer and your sleep more soundly.

9. Adding Sheen Hair
Wash the hair with two tablespoons of honey and mix with warm water. This method is believed to add sheen to hair.

That the benefits of honey are good for our health. By eating honey regularly, your health will remain intact.

Brighten Skin Naturally

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Possessed a bright and clean skin is the dream of all people both men and women. To whiten the skin there are a lot of way, ranging from how to whiten skin naturally or use bleach the skin that are usually sold at a great price. On this occasion will discuss how to brighten the skin naturally.

Here are some things that you can use to brighten your skin naturally:

Tips on Keeping KesehatanAir milk can be used for the bath, bath milk itself is well-known and potent since ancient times, the queen Cleopatra was also wearing milk to maintain the beauty and health of the skin. Now also available herbal soap made from milk, so its use is more practical.

Lemon and WHITE EGG
Useful as an egg white of skin fasteners, as well as a lemon that supposedly believed to brighten the skin. Quite easy, take a few drops of lime juice and then mix the water with egg white and stir until ingredients are mixed and 2 used as a mask. Wait a few minutes until the mask dries. Billas finally clear and cold water.

The yogurt is beneficial for maintaining skin moisture. The way is to use yogurt to the face mask and then added with a little honey, then let stand for about 10 minutes and rinse your face thoroughly.

Tomatoes have a lot of vitamin C is useful and good for the health of your skin. Tomatoes also can make the skin look white. The trick is to take a tomato and then grated, then add 2 to 3 drops of lemon juice and a few drops of rose water, mix the three ingredients until blended concoction was then apply to the face and neck, then wait approximately 15 minutes and then rinse until clean.

Avocado oil can be used as an alternative if you are lazy to clean your face before bed. Useful avocado oil can effectively eliminate the existing remains of makeup on the face, after that you can use as an absorbent tissue if the excess oil that still exists and remains in the face.

Well that was skin health tips about some ways to brighten skin naturally that you can practice at home which is very cheap and effective, and you do not need to spend a lot of money to get the skin white and healthy.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Some Problem Skin

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There are several problems that commonly appear on the skin, namely acne, excess oil, blackheads, acne scars, large pores, exfoliating the skin, and redness. Need to recognize the facial skin conditions and problems that happened, so you can easily handle it.

Here are some masala skin is often encountered:

1. Acne
Causes of acne appears are: excessive oil production partly because of androgens, especially during puberty, dead skin cells clog pores, bacteria, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals. If the skin pores clogged and inflamed, sometimes there are bacteria that can cause purulent skin. One ingredient that is effective against bacteria, remove layers of dead skin and reduce oil production is salicylic acid.

2. Oily Skin
Skin naturally produces oil to keep the skin moist. However, if the excess oil will keep dust and dirt in the pores and can cause acne. Well causes of this excess oil from poor diet, hormonal factors, the use of cosmetics that do not fit, heredity, and medicines.

3. Skin Blackheads
Blackheads are actually oil clogged in the pores are open or closed. This type of acne blackheads due to dead skin cells that clog pores and excess oil gland secretions in the skin. Clean your face with a scrub can help exfoliate dead skin causes blackheads.

4. Skin Spots Brown
Acne scars are typically in the form of brownish pigmentation. Little or a lot of acne scars left behind sometimes create a crisis of confidence of sufferers. These acne scars are like wounds in the skin, where the skin regeneration is crucial in order to get back to normal. Of several types of active ingredients that can be tried, blueberry extract can help accelerate skin regeneration.

5. Large pores
Basically facial pore hole size is influenced by the amount of oil produced. Factors that play a role in the production of this oil include genetic factors, exposure to sunlight, physical activity, and hormonal.

However, with increasing age, pores tend to appear larger. Hole large pores can reduce the appearance of skin supple and smooth. The cause of large pores, among others, excessive oil production, clogged skin pores due not kept clean and improper use of cosmetics.

6. Skin Redness
Use of the wrong product for sensitive facial skin sometimes cause skin redness. For those of you who have skin allergies, consult your doctor about what products are suitable for your skin.

7. Exfoliation face
Peeling skin on the face is usually due to a skin condition that is too dry. To fix this use a good quality moisturizer and avoid exposure to direct sunlight.
Ok kawand, hopefully a bit of knowledge about skin problems above can add to our knowledge all.

Similarly, skin health tips regarding some skin problems on the face, may be able to add to our knowledge all.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

How To Treat Skin Irritations

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Irritation is a nuisance in terms of skin irritation easily aroused by objects that do not fit with the skin. Skin redness, itching, dry, scaly or inflammation, a symptom of skin irritation. Other symptoms include; lumps, pain, burning sensation, rash and cracked. Some skin irritation problems are usually caused by exposure to perfumes, detergents, household cleaning products, soaps, extreme hot or cold temperatures, fabric and synthetic dyes.

In addition, skin irritation also can also be caused by chemicals found in cosmetics, hair products, jewelry, latex products, rubber, some kind of plant, insect stings, and even pet dander. Here are a powerful way to treat skin irritations as reported HealthArticles.

1. Put a cold compress on the area of irritated skin

It is very effective to relieve swelling and pain caused by irritation of the skin. Soak the fabric in cold water and put the cloth on irritated skin. Or, compress with ice bag previously covered with a towel.

2. Baking soda
Baking soda is an effective drug against skin irritation. Make a paste of baking soda by adding a little water. Then apply to the irritated area.

3. Shower oatmeal

If the irritation of the skin become inflamed and itchy, you can use oatmeal to the bath. Take two cups of oatmeal, milled into a fine powder and add to the warm water bath.

4. Aloe Vera Gel

Another way to relieve the irritation is to apply aloe vera gel to the area of irritated skin. This method can reduce the redness, swelling, and itching.

5. Apple juice
Apple juice can be used as one of the home remedies for skin irritation caused by sunlight and shaving cuts. Sprinkle apple cider directly to the irritated skin with cotton. This should be done several times a day.

6. Oil chamomile
Essential oils of chamomile is a good solution for the home treatment of skin irritation. Rub chamomile oil directly to the irritated area.

7. A mixture of honey and cinnamon

A mixture of honey and cinnamon are also useful for curing skin irritation. Mix 3 tablespoons of honey with 2 tablespoons of cinnamon powder to make a thick paste. Rub the paste directly to the irritated skin areas. Then rinse off after it dries.

8. A mixture of honey and egg

A mixture of honey and eggs can be used as a mask on the face to relieve irritation of the facial area. Allow about 10 minutes and then wash your face. This is a good natural remedy for skin irritation.

9. Cucumber

Cucumber is one of the recommended home remedies for skin irritation. Place a slice of cucumber on irritated skin areas.

This is a powerful tips to overcome skin irritation. Quite easy to try and if d do regularly Inshallah skin irritation will be able disembuhkan.Semoga this skin health tips useful.

Underarm Skin Whitening Tips

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You want underarm skin white? Hehe, it's not just skin expected people to be white but also underarm skin. Black underarm skin which will reduce your confidence when wearing a sleeveless dress.

There are several factors that cause underarm skin blackened include genetic factors, hormonal changes, aging, how to shave armpits, deodorant effect and hormonal changes during the kehamilan.Selain, sweat is also one of the factors that cause underarm turn black or dark .

For those of you who already armpit blackened it is necessary to cope with a variety of the following ways that might help whiten dark underarms skin naturally and safely.

Underarm Skin Whitening Tips:

1. Use Fruit Lemon
Lemon is very useful eliminate black spots and can make underarm skin color becomes quite easy putih.Caranya lemon cut into 2, then gosokanlah to your armpits after you shower, let stand for 10 minutes, then wash with warm water.

2. Using Lime and Lime Betel
Lime and whiting indeed believe can whiten skin in the armpit, how well is the same as wearing oleskanlah lemon lime and water mix whiting to your armpits after you shower.

3. Using Potatoes
Potatoes in addition to making a good efficacy for skin whitening face teryata potatoes can also clean and whiten your underarms black, it is very easy guys, grated potato grater kemdian the results apply to underarms, wait 10 minutes (Until feels dry), then wash with water warm.

4. Clean the rest of Nor Deodorant Powder
Clean the remains of powder or deodorant to use soap when you shower, and not too often wear deodorant when bushy armpits hair, as this can aggravate the black in the armpit. Shaving should first (do the experts). Remember do not just shaving because it can cause skin irritation.

5. Use Coconut Oil and Orange Peel
Vitamin E oil contains many useful to whiten armpit black, how to use coconut oil droplets in place on orange peel and then apply on the black armpits. Do this every day for 2 weeks.

How to Whiten Armpits Naturally quite simple and if you apply it correctly undoubtedly formerly black armpit will slowly begin to turn white. Good luck. Be sure to read the other skin health tips ya ... :)

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

How to Take Care Feminine Natural Areas

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  Why should maintain the health of the female organs? Caring for feminine area is one of the reasons for maintaining the health of the female sex. Feminine area requires special care every day, because this area is vulnerable smelly and itchy if not cleaned properly.

If you are a woman, do care intimate areas of women is a must to prevent bacterial and fungal infections. Well, that derah femininity maintained their health, the following will discuss how to take care of womanhood:

     Keep the genital area by cleaning every day, especially after urination and large. Before wearing shorts in dry or wipe your first feminine area that will not humid.
     When taking a bath, you have to clean the area of the clitoris and urethra because both are running secretion (disposal).
     Avoid underwear made of synthetic or polyester, for easy wet and takes a long time to dry.
     After a shower, get used to dry your feminine area. Humidity makes the bacteria multiply faster. Change underwear at least twice a day.
     Genital hair removal routine. Pubic hair is too heavy makes the vagina becomes moist. That is what causes the appearance of vaginal odor and bacterial infections
     During menstruation, change the bandage after 3-4 hours or if it is wet. Avoid using tampons because it is unhygienic and can spread bacteria or promote growth of bacteria in the vagina.
     Avoid wearing tight pants. This makes it difficult to breathe so the skin becomes very humid feminine area.
     If you are susceptible to genital infection, vaginal wash with soap 2-3 times a pH after urination.
     Do not just sit on a public toilet! Clean the surface of the toilet before you sit down. Vaginal infections are more often due to public toilets. Do not flush the toilet when you're still sitting there, because bacteria and germs from the toilet "fly" when you do it.
     Avoid eating meat too often because it can cause vaginal odor. To maintain the cleanliness of womanhood, you should frequently eat green vegetables, fresh fruits, and drink 2 liters of water every day. This method also helps prevent dehydration of the vagina.

That some women health tips methods to try to take care of your feminine area naturally be healthy and clean. Good luck.

Smooth Skin Tips

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Has a smooth skin is a matter of pride, and a lot of ways you can do to make the face become more perfect without a scar. Surface smooth facial acne scars can be caused by or injury. Less smooth surface of the face of this, make confidence to decrease. For this reason, many people seemed to be vying for the perfection of the face.

Many beauty products are sold to smooth and soften the skin in the form of creams, gels, or chemical drugs. But not all such products are well used, product selection should match your skin type.

On this occasion, will be discussed on how smooth the skin naturally with ingredients easily obtained:

On the benefits of honey for beauty is not in doubt, especially for skin health. Abortion is capable of nourishing the skin can be done in a way, thinly and evenly apply honey on the face, kenudia let stand about 20 minutes. Perform routine for maximum results.

The benefits of fruits often made as a natural ingredient for maintaining healthy skin, one to smooth the skin. Efficacy of an avocado contains nutrients and vitamins needed face. How to use it is to smooth the avocado and make it like a mask.

White chicken eggs
The benefits of eating eggs is not in doubt, as well as parts of white chicken eggs that can be used as a mask for how smooth the skin. Apply on the entire surface of the skin except the area around the eyes. Allow to harden then wash with lukewarm water.

Dietary Habit
For those of you with acne, do not squeeze the acne area. It was not the right way to get rid of acne, but will cause problems bari ie black spots acne scars.
And the way to soften the skin acne is cleaning the face after using makeup all day, otherwise dirt will accumulate and cause acne. Expand to eat vegetables and fruits, especially that can help burn fat like lemon, red ginger for drinks, apple vinegar, apples, oranges, broccoli etc.

Similarly, skin health tips on a few tips to soften the skin that you can try, hopefully useful and good luck.

Natural Ways to Lift Dead Skin Cells

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Remove dead skin cells is important, because if left dead skin cells will accumulate and the skin will look dull. One effective way to remove dead skin cells, namely the method scrub. Make sure you wear proper scrub products in order to properly care for and protect the skin from irritation.

Tips to keep your KesehatanKalau have time to spare, there's nothing wrong if you want to create their own scrub using natural ingredients. What are the ingredients? Consider the five natural scrub ingredients that make skin healthy, as quoted from She Knows.

1. Oatmeal
Not just for the diet, wheat is also good consumed as a natural scrub. This material is good for sensitive skin types. If you bother to make it at home, then as an alternative you can buy at the store nearest cosmetics.

Step scrub manufacture of grain material made by mixing 3 teaspoons of raw wheat, one teaspoon of honey and ¼ teaspoon of apple cider, all in a bowl. Apply the material to the face in a circular motion. It will be a little sticky, but it is a good time clicking scrubs. Let stand about 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

2. Sugar
Sugar is the main ingredient scrub that can help remove dead skin cells and makes the skin look more radiant. Look for natural scrub in the store are made from sugar or make yourself at home.

The steps manufacture of sugar scrub can be made by mixing one tablespoon of sugar with olive oil. Then add aloe vera gel or honey to the skin becomes soft. Once all the material is mixed, pour into the palm of the hand scrub, then apply to the surface of the face with a gentle circular massage. Let stand 5 to 10 minutes long, and then rinse with warm water. You can use this material for the face and body scrub.

3. Salt
Salt it can provide benefits for skin beauty. Your body can be fresh when wearing scrubs that contain salt. The salt content can make improvements dead skin cells, increase circulation, and smooth the skin.

How to make it done by mixing one cup of salt water with olive oil. Imbuhkan 5 drops of essential oils (eg, apricot oil). Apricot oil can be used to cure a variety of situations skin without leaving oil on the skin. As an essential oil, apricot seeds also have a positive impact for dull skin.

4. Green Tea
Green tea is not just good for your health, but also useful for skin care. Green tea is rich in antioxidants that help to maintain and create protection against your skin. In addition, green tea contains anti-inflammatory substances to be the right choice for sensitive skin and acne. Look for skin care products that contain green tea, or you can also add a little green tea into one skin scrub recipe.

5. Nuts Walnuts
Walnut combined with yogurt can make a natural scrub dead skin cells lifter. Walnuts function slough off dead skin cells, but the yogurt acts as an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, which can make the skin look fresh. Yogurt can also get rid of wrinkles.

How to make do with mashing ¼ cup walnuts, then mixed with yogurt. Apply the mixture to your skin while giving a gentle massage. Let stand for 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing with cold water current.

Thus information on how to naturally remove dead skin cells naturally by using a scrub. Love your skin by choosing appropriate treatment and follow tips that support healthy skin of your inner beauty. Good luck ...

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Food for Healthy Skin

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Maintaining the health of the skin can be done by maintaining a balanced diet. Eating a balanced diet containing vitamin needed skin will maintain healthy skin and also keugaran body. Obviously you want the healthy skin is not it? Well, this time we will discuss the kinds of foods for healthy skin.

Food for Healthy Skin
Fish and shellfish have special benefits for the skin. The content of omega-3 can reduce the dryness of the skin and prevent aging. Meanwhile, zinc helps prevent acne and remove dead skin cells. The thing you get if diligently consume seafood is delicate skin.

citrus fruits
Vitamin C is the content of the 'mandatory' owned almost every skin care cream. Vitamin that helps the body produce collagen, a protein that forms the structure of the skin. Collagen production generally decreases when someone at the age of 35, and it will make the skin becomes loose and then wrinkles. That is why the skin needs vitamin C, and vitamin rich citrus.

Green and red vegetables
What is good for your body, good for the skin. And it feels almost nothing beats vegetables in terms of benefits for the body. Look for vegetables with red / orange and green, such as carrots, potatoes, and spinach. Vegetables with red color rich in beta-carotene. Our body converts into vitamin A, which also serves as an anti-oxidant. Furthermore, the content is what helps the skin to prevent cell damage and premature aging. Meanwhile, green vegetables contain a lot of vitamin A. It will help the skin to produce new skin cells and get rid of dead skin cells. In effect, the skin will look brighter lebhi.

Nuts, especially almonds, contains a lot of anti-oxidants. Vitamin E contained in it works against free radicals, also protects the skin from damage caused by ultraviolet light emitted by the sun. In addition, he will also make the skin more moisture awake.

Whole Grain
In addition to anti-oxidants, wheat and grains also contain vitamins B and biotin, which help cells function in processing fat. If your body does not have enough biotin content, the skin will become dry and cracked.

That earlier, skin health tips mengetai foods is recommended to maintain the health of your skin. Keeping more important than fixing instead? So change the pattern of our lives begin today.