Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Natural Ways to Lift Dead Skin Cells

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Remove dead skin cells is important, because if left dead skin cells will accumulate and the skin will look dull. One effective way to remove dead skin cells, namely the method scrub. Make sure you wear proper scrub products in order to properly care for and protect the skin from irritation.

Tips to keep your KesehatanKalau have time to spare, there's nothing wrong if you want to create their own scrub using natural ingredients. What are the ingredients? Consider the five natural scrub ingredients that make skin healthy, as quoted from She Knows.

1. Oatmeal
Not just for the diet, wheat is also good consumed as a natural scrub. This material is good for sensitive skin types. If you bother to make it at home, then as an alternative you can buy at the store nearest cosmetics.

Step scrub manufacture of grain material made by mixing 3 teaspoons of raw wheat, one teaspoon of honey and ¼ teaspoon of apple cider, all in a bowl. Apply the material to the face in a circular motion. It will be a little sticky, but it is a good time clicking scrubs. Let stand about 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

2. Sugar
Sugar is the main ingredient scrub that can help remove dead skin cells and makes the skin look more radiant. Look for natural scrub in the store are made from sugar or make yourself at home.

The steps manufacture of sugar scrub can be made by mixing one tablespoon of sugar with olive oil. Then add aloe vera gel or honey to the skin becomes soft. Once all the material is mixed, pour into the palm of the hand scrub, then apply to the surface of the face with a gentle circular massage. Let stand 5 to 10 minutes long, and then rinse with warm water. You can use this material for the face and body scrub.

3. Salt
Salt it can provide benefits for skin beauty. Your body can be fresh when wearing scrubs that contain salt. The salt content can make improvements dead skin cells, increase circulation, and smooth the skin.

How to make it done by mixing one cup of salt water with olive oil. Imbuhkan 5 drops of essential oils (eg, apricot oil). Apricot oil can be used to cure a variety of situations skin without leaving oil on the skin. As an essential oil, apricot seeds also have a positive impact for dull skin.

4. Green Tea
Green tea is not just good for your health, but also useful for skin care. Green tea is rich in antioxidants that help to maintain and create protection against your skin. In addition, green tea contains anti-inflammatory substances to be the right choice for sensitive skin and acne. Look for skin care products that contain green tea, or you can also add a little green tea into one skin scrub recipe.

5. Nuts Walnuts
Walnut combined with yogurt can make a natural scrub dead skin cells lifter. Walnuts function slough off dead skin cells, but the yogurt acts as an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, which can make the skin look fresh. Yogurt can also get rid of wrinkles.

How to make do with mashing ¼ cup walnuts, then mixed with yogurt. Apply the mixture to your skin while giving a gentle massage. Let stand for 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing with cold water current.

Thus information on how to naturally remove dead skin cells naturally by using a scrub. Love your skin by choosing appropriate treatment and follow tips that support healthy skin of your inner beauty. Good luck ...

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