Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Fasting Tips Pregnancy

Photo : flickr.com

For pregnant women who have done otherwise normal and healthy examination by a doctor, then it is allowed to perform fasting. Fasting during pregnancy would be very different when not pregnant, it is necessary for special tips that the fast running smoothly and the condition of the fetus remains in good health.

Here are some tips that can be done by pregnant women during fasting:

Tips on Keeping Health at Sahur

Tips fasting pregnant women who are first noticed when his diet meal. When dawn, select foods that contain protein and fat in sufficient quantities. Both types of these nutrients can survive longer in the digestive so slow hunger during the day. Pregnant women should consume lots of meat. Meat are foods that contain very high in calories and protein that can be stored in the body long enough.

Strive also foods rich in vitamin C and zinc (zinc) to maintain the vitality of the body. Do not eat sweets at dawn so that the body is limp and quickly feel hungry due to insulin shock.
Preferably until the dawn of time runs out, try to drink water as much as possible. If you can drink water during the day as much as two liters. And coupled with a glass of warm milk. Drink a glass of milk every dawn could reduce the threat of anemia in pregnant women.

When Fasting

  1. Live fast with the intention and determination and sincerity so that the days of fasting feel light and happy despite being pregnant.
  2. Enough rest. If possible provide more than a portion of the previous break.
  3. Reduce activities that require extra energy, for example in the field of activity or thought that heavy. Wherever possible avoid stress and
  4. Throw away the habit / urge to get angry.

When Iftar

  1. Start breaking with warm drinks and sweet to increase blood sugar levels, but pregnant women should still limit the food and sweet drinks. Avoid cold drinks because it can reduce the work of the stomach.
  2. Then eat foods containing carbohydrates simplex thus more readily absorbed, as compote or dates.
  3. After the Maghrib prayer, eat a larger portion, but do not immediately go crazy. Eating large amounts can make your body limp. Therefore, eat in moderation. After tarawih prayers, try to eat even a little.
  4. Before going to sleep, for the milk production process, try eating snacks with warm drinks.

Well that maternal health tips for running fast, because pregnant is not an obstacle to leave fast. Even medically proven fasting can menyahatkan body. Happy fasting. :)

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