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Hair loss is a problem that is quite troublesome for some people. The problem of hair loss can be experienced by everyone, both of gender and age. But for those of you who are experiencing this problem should not worry, because there are ways to cope with your hair loss. Noteworthy is that not all the way to overcome hair loss described, could be suitable or applicable to everyone. Many factors you should know that the cause of your hair loss. Therefore, how to cope with hair loss was also vary, depending on the circumstances. The factors that cause hair loss are as follows:
1. habits that are not good in treating hair
Wearing a serrated comb meetings, often heats the hair with a flat iron, hot curling, and hairdryer.
Tie your hair too tight.
Wash your hair too often in a day that makes the hair's natural oil levels will be reduced so as to make the hair more brittle.
Rarely wash your hair will make hair tangled so difficult to comb. And when your hair is combed in these conditions, it allows the hair will more easily fall.
2. Conditions unhealthy body
Hair loss can also be caused due to the condition of the body that are not as healthy as some of the following:
Hair loss can occur due to anemia due to iron deficiency in the body's red blood cells. These substances play a role in the health of the hair follicle. The solution is the consumption of iron supplements and combined with vitamin C. Vitamin C helps iron absorption is easy and effective
Stress also be the culprit of hair loss. Essentially you have to avoid the pressure and stress either by way of therapy, meditation, yoga, do unpopular things, and other things.
Less calories
You're doing a low calorie diet to lose weight? So do not be surprised if your hair is falling out, because this diet makes you dehydrated, cramps, and fatigue. You are advised to continue to consume enough protein in your diet, because protein is a substance that is good for maintaining healthy hair.
Consuming certain drugs
Drugs such as diuretics, Rx pills, and antidepressants have side effects that are easy to hair loss. If you are in a condition that requires taking these drugs, then try to consult with your doctor to be given the best advice to resolve the issue.
3. Genetic Factors
Hair loss can also be due to genetic or hereditary factors.
In addition to the factors and solutions described above, there are several ways you can do to prevent and cope with hair loss, namely:
Meet the nutritional needs of your body with nutritious foods especially those containing iron and protein. As reviewed previously that these two substances have an important role for healthy hair. You can find a good source of protein in eggs, fish, soy, nuts, yogurt, and so forth.
Apply a conditioner that contains ginseng to keep hair healthy and not easily broken.
When you use a conditioner, comb your hair with a comb-tooth is not meeting / rare.
Be selective in choosing a shampoo. You can use herbal shampoo or any other shampoo shampoo-qualified and proven to cope with hair loss.
Avoid washing your hair with hot water.
Avoid hair dryer or towel dry your hair when you want. You just dry your hair with aerated.
Use hair tonic or hair growth serum. Hair tonic containing ginseng is very good in stimulating new hair growth.
Avoid drinks that contain caffeine, as these substances are not good for hair growth.
Reduce the use of hair gel, hair oil, hair spray, hair dye, and cream. Try to use products made from natural ingredients.
Hair mask can also be as a nutrient that can restore hair health. Use 2 to 3 times a week.
The last suggestion is, check with your doctor nearby dermatologist in order to obtain better handling.
Similarly, a short article about hair loss and how to prevent and handle. Hope it is useful ..
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